Lent is marked by fasting and abstinence, and during this time, many people give up something that they love, such as their ...
During Lent many Christians use the time to fast something. This is the story ...
In his catechesis, the Holy Father also reflected on how Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, had to mature in their own ...
An excerpt on generosity and solidarity from “Hunger for Righteousness: A Lenten Journey Towards Intimacy with God and Loving ...
Ash Wednesday is a day away and begins the Christian season of Lent. The 6-week period that leads up to Easter. What we know ...
Fox News Digital interviewed Hallow CEO Alex Jones and Rev. James T. Bretzke about the top methods people can grow in ...
Catholics observe Lent through fasting and abstinence, avoiding meat on specific days. These are some of the permitted foods.