Marvel’s upcoming animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is set to have an unusual release schedule when it begins airing on Disney+. Disney has announced that the first two episodes ...
Executive producer Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt explained to The Official Marvel Podcast that while the series begins in the MCU’s sacred timeline around the events of Civil War, it quickly veers into ...
Spider-Man is getting a new look for his upcoming Disney+ animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. As with ...
Appearing on The Official Marvel Podcast, Vasquez-Eberhardt explains how the upcoming series is different from the MCU Spider-Man films because, for the most part, it’s in a different timeline.
The story that will be told in the Marvel/Disney+ series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man , and how it fits into the MCU ...
Instead of continuing the MCU story, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man rewrites it. The series returns Peter to his high school days and struggles to be a hero. It’s the classic tale that ...
Go web go! Marvel Animation has dropped a new trailer for the upcoming animated series "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man ...
World domination is progressing smoothly, thank you for asking. Now, let's discuss Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2, swinging into stores on Wednesday, January 15th. Feast your optical ...
Peter Parker swings into animated action in the first official trailer for Marvel Animation's Your Friendly Neighborhood ...
But Spider-Man's next project will next the new Marvel animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. For all of the multiverse shenanigans Peter Parker gets involved in, he deserves a bit ...