Yellowstone staff locates grizzly bear tracks and a photographer captures footage of a bear out of hibernation. Time for ...
The debate over whether to keep federal protections for grizzlies is “deeply laden in values,” according to one expert.
Photographers believe the grizzly seen ambling past a trail camera on Thursday night in Yellowstone is the same huge male ...
In the wild, strength isn’t just about muscle—it’s about survival. And when it comes to power struggles, few match the ...
The grizzly bear debate is loud and now it’s going longer.
I let go of my grip in the grizzly’s mouth with my left hand and went for the gun. I got it out of the holster, but the bear ...
The National Park Service on Wednesday reported fresh grizzly tracks have been spotted in the northern section of Yellowstone ...
Montanans living and working around grizzly bears are invited to apply for funding to help their communities adopt bear-resistant infrastructure and public education initiatives aimed at reducing ...
As the comment period comes to a close on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposal to retain grizzly bears’ Endangered ...
MONTANA - Grizzly bears are emerging from hibernation in Yellowstone, prompting park rangers to urge visitors to exercise caution. Biologists have released grizzlies into the ecosystem, and these bear ...
The groups say the Forest Service didn't include enough details about where exactly the logging project will take place to ...
Money is available to help communities adopt bear-resistant infrastructure and public education initiatives aimed at reducing ...