Laravel provides a convenient way to seed your database with fake data for testing purpose using a system of factories for your Eloquent models. This is a demonstration of how to create a factory for ...
renatomarinho released a nice Laravel package that we can use to build a task management app.. GitScrum is a Laravel 5.3 application to helps teams use Git version control and the Scrum framework in ...
Laravel Responder is a package for building API responses, integrating Fractal into Laravel and Lumen. It can transform your data using transformers, create and ...
Leonie Derendorp wrote a Laravel tutorial to show us how to build a basic admin panel using Laravel 5.6 from scratch. To build such an admin panel you have several options, e.g. use an existing CMS, ...
Crater is an open-source app for small businesses and freelancers built with Laravel, VueJS & React Native that helps you track expenses, payments & create professional invoices & estimates. Our ...
Laravel package to make it easier working with the gorgeous emojis from EmojiOne.
Docker is a hot topic for software developers and it is in trend. It is an amazing tool for moving applications and for setting up a new environment. So in this article, I will let you know how to ...
This package implements Laravel auto-discovery feature. After you install it the package provider and facade are added automatically for laravel >= 5.5.
Laravel ImageUp is a trait which we can use to upload, resize and crop images. It comes with tons of customization.
Madhu Sudhan Subedi shows us how to build a Dynamic Datatable Component using Laravel and React.js.
weatherstack is a good service that we can use to get years of historical weather data, request real-time weather information or make use of accurate weather forecasts. The service has been used by ...
Ashraf Alam shows us how to build PWA projects with Vue.js. PWA Weather Application Features Ability to view hourly and daily weather forecast for given city Ability to select city based on current ...