Police in Oregon say they are working with the FBI to investigate gunshots fired at a Tesla dealership overnight
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Oregon’s tortured years-long debate over whether to end the twice-yearly time changes that irritate so many residents is once again underway in the Legislature this session. But any potential action by state lawmakers will be postponed for at least an extra year after a daylight saving time bill before the Washington Legislature died in committee last month.
The perp sprayed SAIF CEO Chip Terhune’s house in Lake Oswego, just outside Portland, with multiple rounds at about 4 a.m. on Friday — shattering the home’s glass front door.
Portland General Electric offers a 4.6% dividend yield and solid growth. Learn why POR stock presents superior risk-reward and stands apart from wildfire risks.
The live piano concert series that travels to beautiful outdoor destinations is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and will celebrate with yet another sweeping tour of the American West.
The Oregon Ducks softball team improved to 14-1 on the season after sweeping past Utah and San Diego State on Friday night.The Ducks put up five runs in the sec