A new poll out this week from BGSU shows how Ohioans view some of the most well known leaders in college and pro sports in ...
While many bemoaned the conservative playcalling of "Tressel ball," the sweater vest-wearing coach won the ... Bowl and frequently cites Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan's wrestling career.
Gov. Mike DeWine says Tressel's unique background makes him the perfect choice to lead the state's new employment initiative.
Jim Tressel, who was picked by Gov ... He looked clean-cut on the sideline at Ohio Stadium, wearing a scarlet sweater vest over a white shirt and tie. When he met with reporters, he spoke with ...
Mike DeWine met with Jim Tressel on Feb. 1 ... Tressel is keeping things close to his sweater vest when it comes to a 2026 gubernatorial bid. After I asked him during a joint interview with ...
Mike DeWine nominated Jim Tressel, the retired Youngstown State University ... DeWine, who often keeps decisions like this close to the vest, never indicated that Tressel was even a consideration.
Mike DeWine nominated Jim Tressel, the retired Youngstown ... DeWine, who often keeps decisions like this close to the vest, never indicated that Tressel was even a consideration.
While many bemoaned the conservative playcalling of "Tressel ball," the sweater vest-wearing coach won the 2002 national ...