North Tonawanda residents shared their thoughts on a bill Tuesday that would block Digihost, a crypto-mining company, from ...
Kairos Power, Natura Resources, Terrestrial Energy and Aalo Atomics—have agreed to begin preliminary moves to locate small ...
"Nowhere in the country, other than Texas, is anyone willing to step up and build the power plants we need," said Texas A&M ...
France-based nuclear start-up Naarea (Nuclear Abundant Affordable Resourceful Energy for All) Naarea has opened its ...
The new era of nuclear power generation greater than the force of the Sun has arrived and is ready for deployment. For the ...
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) has signed MoUs with Boccard and Cavendish Nuclear to leverage their industry-leading ...
The identity of these investors remains unknown, but such a substantial move in NNE usually suggests something big is about ...
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Kairos Power, Natura Resources, Terrestrial Energy, and Aalo Atomics—are setting up at Texas A&M's Rellis Campus to develop ...
GE Hitachi Nuclear hopes to start construction on installing the SMR sometime in the middle of this decade and has estimated ...