30, 2024. WFPRX’s 3-year and 5-year annualized returns are 7.4% and 10.3%, respectively. Its net expense ratio is 0.70%. WFPRX has a Zacks Mutual Fund Rank #2. Hurry – you can still get in ...
Before you decide about investing in a mutual fund scheme, it is recommended to compare the returns delivered by different schemes in the same category of funds so that the decision is objective ...
With billions under management, it is difficult to see the need to charge investors to market the fund to other potential investors. Estimates of 12b-1 fees were at $10 ... mutual funds was 0.42 ...
Some fund managers have chosen to be cautious in these times of market churn, and increased their cash position as they ride out the volatility. There may be no clear trend based on this call, and ...
An expense ratio is a measure of how much it costs to operate a mutual fund ... can lead to higher returns over time Expense ratio is the percent of your investment that a fund charges each ...
Here, we list out some value mutual fund which have delivered over 12 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) return in the past 10 years. As we can see in the table above, Nippon India Large ...