Camila Mendes still can't believe she's starring in Masters of the Universe. The actor recently shared how excited she was to ...
Read up on the latest Vikings: Valhalla News, Reviews and Features from the team at Collider. Your comment has not been saved A historical drama series set a century after the original Viking ...
Brave New World has introduced many heroes and villains to the silver screen for the first time, but there's a clear ...
Compared to sexual reproduction, cloning limits genetic diversity, making the seaweed susceptible to climate impacts—it lacks the genetic diversity to adapt and survive, Johannesson explained.
Before its association with a pining for the toys or TV shows of yesteryear, nostalgia was deemed a dangerous psychiatric disorder. Lisa Winter became social media editor for The Scientist in 2017. In ...
Handboltamaðurinn Jóhannes Berg Andrason gengur í raðir Team Tvis Holstebro í Danmörku frá FH í sumar. Jóhannes kom til FH frá Víkingi fyrir þremur árum. Hann varð Íslands- og deildarmeistari með ...
Örnefnanefnd (the Committee for Toponyms) has instructed the City of Reykjavík to rename the streets Bjargargata and Bjarkargata, RÚV reports. The committee reasoned that the street names are too ...
The Visual Arts Council has announced the list of nominees for the annual Icelandic Art Prize awards. The awards will be presented for the eighth time on March 20 in Iðnó. According to the Icelandic ...
Jade Jones, tvöfaldur Ólympíumeistari í taekwondo, hefur ákveðið að venda kvæði sínu í kross og er byrjuð að æfa hnefaleika. Jones hefur nú æft box í tvo mánuði undir handleiðslu hnefaleikakappans ...
Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson, stjórnarformaður Skeljar fjárfestingarfélags, vonast til að ný ríkisstjórn hugsi stórt þegar kemur að samgöngumálum, ekki síst þar sem innviðaskuld hér á landi vaxi og vaxi.
Showtimes for Yosemite Cinema Friday, March 7th, through Thursday, March 13th. Watch movie trailers and get your tickets ...