Jackie Shroff is currently making headlines for his performance in the crime thriller series Chidiya Udd. The show which is inspired by true events revolves around Mumbai's red light district. In an ...
“Border 2” stars Sunny, Diljit Dosanjh and Ahan Shetty along with Varun. The film seems to be based on the 1999 Kargil War.
Disha Patani gears up for her Hollywood debut with Tyrese Gibson and Harry Goodwins in a thrilling web series. A BTS photo from Durango has sparked excitement.
At his house in Mumbai's Bandra, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by an intruder and reportedly, he has suffered injuries.
The action thriller Baby John premiered in theaters during Christmas 2024, featuring Varun Dhawan, Jackie Shroff, Keerthy ...