They can save your life, or go off when nothing's wrong. Here's what to do if your smoke alarm is giving you fits.
After a house fire in Danville killed one and injured three others, the city’s Fire Chief is pushing for working smoking ...
Local fire and EMS install smoke alarms in district 4 homes ...
Test alarms to ensure they are properly sounding. This can be done by simply pressing the alarm’s test button. Make sure ...
The campaign is coming to Greensboro this weekend, offering residents free smoke detector installation, checks ...
Fire always happens when you least expect it and having a smoke detector on every level of your home and in or just outside ...
The Racine Fire Department emphasizes that working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are recommended to be installed on each ...
WCTI ABC 12 Greenville and WYDO Fox 14 Greenville offer local and national news reporting, sports, and weather forecasts to ...
If you aren't sure if your smoke detectors are up to date, or if you've got enough of them to keep your family safe, check out our initiative, Keep Michigan SAFE — a partnership between FOX 17 and ...