It looks like a laser is slicing the Moon in half, but it’s actually a high-tech tool used to improve telescope clarity. The ...
"The lightsail will travel faster than any previous spacecraft, with potential to eventually open interstellar distances to ...
Caltech scientists are developing laser-driven lightsails that could push spacecraft beyond our solar system. Their research ...
Imagine a future where deep space explorers send high-definition video messages from the surface of Mars, or where scientific ...
In a groundbreaking achievement, NASA successfully sent a laser message from the Psyche spacecraft to Earth, spanning 16 ...
TAU Systems is developing laser-plasma accelerators to simulate cosmic rays and accelerate testing of electronics.
Scientists have developed a method for generating fast, bright proton beams using a high-repetition-rate laser-plasma ...
The idea of a lightsail comes from the fact that radiation pressure represents a mechanical pressure acting on a surface due ...
US president orders work on defence shield going beyond Ronald Reagan’s ‘Star Wars’ programme that could trigger nuclear arms ...