Saltzman said the Space Force categorizes adversarial space weapons in six categories—three that are space-based and three ...
The Kunming LPAR, gets a clear look at India’s east-coast-based space launch and missile testing complex, writes Brig Kuldip ...
The Space Force is evaluating what systems it already has in development to support President Trump's order and what ...
Right now the U.S. has 44 ground-based ... space-based interceptors.” Then there is the cost: an Iron Dome actually modeled on Israel’s short-range missile defense system, scaled up to cover ...
You will soon be able to video-chat from anywhere in the world thanks to satellite-based cellular networks. While FaceTiming grandma from the backcountry will win you kudos, this new space technology ...
Plumb pointed to China fielding ground-based counter-space weapons and Russia developing its own systems designed at "degrading and denying US space-based services." "Our competitors have watched ...
ABU DHABI—Rafael is introducing a new laser air defense system ... state-owned weapons technology company is using... Robert Wall is Executive Editor for Defense and Space. Based in London ...
The Chinese have spent the last 10-15 years rapidly standing up both a space and a counterspace capability that could seriously undermine the American position in space.
The nature of warfare is undergoing a fundamental transformation, with cyber warfare and space-based operations emerging as ...
President Donald Trump’s dramatic surprise announcement giving priority to an advanced missile defense to protect the United ...
it goes beyond a nationwide Iron Dome ballistic missile defense system and calls for the development and deployment of “space-based interceptors.” Of course, the weapons in question will be ...
North Korea has acquired the ability to attack anywhere in the U.S. mainland with intercontinental ballistic missiles.