Birds are the soundtrack to our mornings, they soar through our skies and swoop around our streets, but how well do we really know our feathered friends?
Genetic changes that can increase the yield of one crop don’t necessarily work for others, even if they’re close relatives.
While many people might leap at the chance of an adventure, deep sea scientist Dr María Belén Arias Mella was on holiday and initially concerned when she saw the name of her team leader, Dr Adrian ...
By sequencing the genome of 22 different species within the genus Solanum, which includes vital crops like potatoes, tomatoes, and aubergines, researchers have developed a pan-genome, an advanced ...
Responsible for the management of the Lepidoptera collections (80,000 drawers, 10 million+ specimens) including management of five curators.
I am a mineralogist who studies the crystal-chemistry, atomic-structure and stability of minerals. These properties enable us to constrain the geochemical and geological conditions under which the ...
Illustrating how the graphic nature and tonal range of black-and-white photography can simplify elements, emphasise form or create drama, whatever the subject. As spring awakens in the upland birch ...